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Frequently Questions and Answers

Author:AB模板网 Addtime:2023-11-08 16:55:21 Click:49

Q: Does it has active noise cancellation?

A: Yes, it has ANC(active nose cancellation). But if in wired mode, the ANC will be unavailable.

Q: Will the ANC be available on airplane?

A: The ANC is available in wireless mode. But it cant work on wired mode.


Q: Can this get music from my computer I have wireless speakers?

A: If your computer has Bluetooth, these headphones should work with it.


Q: Why i cant switch music when used 3.5mm plug?

A: Hello, all of the buttons cant work with 3.5mm plug because the headphones will power off automatically in wire mode.


Q: The headphones will be disconnected while charging.

A: Hello. The headphones will power off while charging.


Q: Can these headphones be charged wirelessly?

A: No, we are sorry that these headphones cannot support charged wirelessly.